Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Inaugural Post


So, after months (years?) of family and friends suggesting it, I am finally jumping on the bandwagon and starting a blog.

Why did I wait so long? Mostly because "ordinary people" blogs had always struck me as....well, slightly vain. A place to discuss the goings-on of my daily life as a wife and at-home mom? Now, I absolutely love my life and I'm thrilled to talk about it, but to post about it on a regular basis in a formal "location" for all the world to see, comment on, and link to, just seemed to me a bit self-important.

Plus, call me a Luddite, but there was the vague fear that by everyone I know, "regular moms" included, publishing blogs lately, we'd slowly start relying on them to communicate, and never again actually type an individual email or pick up a phone or (imagine this!) even take a pen to a piece of stationery!

Then, the realization - I do none of those things nearly as often as I should anyway.

I am hopelessly behind on my emails - I have, at the present moment, 2,509 emails in my Inbox, 1,827 of which remain unread. Approximately once every other year, I am reminded by the birth of another child to send out an "everyone" email filling folks in on our lives and including some photos of children who, by then, don't look anything like my kids anymore.

Each time I pick up the phone to call a friend lately, one of two scenarios occurs: either we engage in what can only loosely be termed a 'conversation' but more closely resembles a contest in which, as we attempt to speak, her children and mine vie to see who can scream louder, inflict more pain on his or her siblings, destroy a more expensive piece of furniture, or ingest a more dangerous substance we shouldn't have left within reach; or else, we embark on a Guiness-world-record-setting game of phone tag that ends when one of us finally concedes defeat, saying, "Oh well, I haven't been able to catch you, so I guess I'll just see you at the next playgroup/LLL meeting/co-op/dance class/etc."

And, as for the last time I put actual ink on actual paper, well, I mailed it from the box right outside my dorm.

So, perhaps blogging is a good idea. I can keep you all updated on our family and share my thoughts and ideas, and even if my blog isn't the most earth-shatteringly exciting one you read all day, at least we'll be keeping in touch! So please visit frequently, comment if you wish, link to me and I'll link to you - and uh, unless the kids figure it out and start trying to outdo each other in the things-we-could-use-to-jam-up-computer-keys department, this might actually work.

P.S. - Do you all "get" the title of my blog? A little double entendre for you...and, remember that I'm still under construction here & gradually finding cool content to add, so be patient and check back!


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